Welcome to issue #5
This week we review updates on the Covid Relief Bill, helpful tips for your business covering FB ads, and making sure iOS 14 isn't blocking your ads to your target audience.
Questions of the week that you should be asking as a business owner. How can you get more engagement from potential customers? How can you stay top of mind as a real estate agent? How can you gather analytics on a budget that can help you find your target audience and build brand awareness for your business?
Upcoming events that you may want to attend to get your New Year off to a productive start.
As always the goal is to source articles that help you make better choices and plans for your business and it's growth. Helping you become more competitive in your market.
Questions Business Owner Are Asking
How to Create a Welcome Email Series for Your Blog – The Art of Blogging
How can I engage with my potential customers and qualified leads and tell them more about my business without overwhelming them with products and services?
A newsletter is a great way of keeping people up to date with what's going on with your business. Educate them on questions that they may have that are relevant to your business. All while not being the salesperson that use to follow you around the store asking if you need anything before you get a chance to look.
This article discusses the value of a welcome email series. The benefits of it and why it should factor into your marketing strategy considerations.
Get 100+ Essential Social Media Posts for Real Estate Agents
How can I become a trusted real estate agent that goes beyond just trying to pitch open houses? How can I increase engagement with my social media post and start to fill my prospect list?
If you're a real estate agent looking for ways to promote more content and stay top of mind and timelines. This could be a really useful share for you and your business. While content is king. Consistency is the key to becoming a trusted resource.
Here you'll find 100+ images, infographics, and more that you can post on your social media profile to help you stay relevant.
Limiting your post to open houses and what people can do for you can be to your own detriment. Expand your content to things that tell a story and provide helpful information.
How to Use Pinterest Analytics to Drive Better Results - MeetEdgar
How can I use Pinterest as a free resource to build brand awareness and drive traffic to my website?
As a small business owner budgets and resources can be limited. The goal is to find cost-effective ways to promote your business and become more competitive in your industry. Gathering analytics and a better understanding of your target audience can be expensive. Pinterest is an option for not only driving traffic to your website but your ideal target audience.
It is one of the strategies and best practices that I use with my marketing clients. A great way of customizing it to suit their needs and meet their goals. This article provides a look a DIY look at being able to look at the analytics and drive better results for your marketing strategies. If you'd like to find out more about how Majority Media can help you utilize Pinterest as a marketing strategy. You can schedule a free consultation to discuss your business and goals.
Helpful Tips
10 Logo Design Trends to Watch for in 2021 [Infographic]
Are you a business owner looking to create a logo for your business? Perhaps you've been thinking about updating the one that you already have in place for your business.
Here samples and helpful tips on what the trends will be in 2021. Samples that you can share with logo designers as examples of what you have in mind. Saving you unnecessary edits and starting from scratch on your logo project. Customize to suit your business needs.
Apple vs. Facebook Ads: How to Save Your Ads from the iOS 14 Privacy Update - YouTube
Apple will be making updates that could affect the deliverability of your ads. If you run Facebook ads make sure to get a proper understanding of whether or not this can affect your marketing campaigns and strategy.
(5) Facebook Ads Tutorial for Small Business - How to Create Facebook Ads For Beginners (COMPLETE GUIDE) - YouTube
DIY tutorial for business owners who are looking to try their hand at running Facebook ad campaigns. This is a tutorial for beginners who are starting from scratch.
While it's suggested that you have a professional manage it for you. There are owners and entrepreneurs who have a moderate understanding of advertising and their target audience. The recommendation would be to only run ad campaigns if you have a clear understanding of who your audience is and a rotation of digital ads to promote products/services.
Upcoming Events
Strategic Business Introductions (Jan 2021), Strategic Online Business Introductions, Online - Workshop
Here's your exclusive invitation to participate in an extraordinary ONLINE business mastermind where we get the opportunity to learn about you, your products and services and the ways we can help you. At this ONLINE event you’ll make outstanding connections, gain a wealth of new ideas and get access to needed resources. This is an intimate group of up to 12 dynamic entrepreneurs.
Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Leadership Success (Jan 2021), Online - Workshop
Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Leadership Success is a platform where you will get communication skills that break down obstacles and misunderstandings to improve employee performance. Coach underachievers to more success and turn good workers into superstars! Finally, get critical how-to's for mentoring success.
How to Understand Commercial Property Underwriting & COPE (Jan 2021), Online - Conference
There is no “magic” to commercial property underwriting. The “magic” is in knowing how these four key elements direct the property underwriter’s decision: 1) to extend coverage; and 2) how to price the property. There is no "magic" to commercial property underwriting. The "magic" is in knowing how these four key elements direct the property underwriter's decision one, to extend coverage, and two, how to price the property. Construction: Do you want to know how to determine the proper construction class (1-6); why square footage matters; and how age affects the underwriting decision? Protection: You will learn the basics of sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, alarm systems, fire doors and fire walls and public fire protection, and how each affect the pricing. Exposure: We discuss the external factors that affect the insured property.
Highlights 2nd Round of Paycheck Protection Program PPP
Now that the bill has been signed what does it mean for those who've been waiting to find out about the PPP loan? The loans will be in effect again. This article covers some of the changes made that you should be aware of to ensure that you get the loan if needed.
The takeaway that I took from it was to go with the long-form. if you aren't sure about your answers to make sure that you have everything in order. The last round has shown that small business owners and entrepreneurs weren't necessarily their top priority with getting the loans approved. So do the due diligence to make sure that you're asking the right questions and putting the right responses.