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Welcome to the Entrepreneurs Newsletter If you're a business owner that wants to stay up to date but doesn't have the time to search and sort through articles. This newsletter is for you.

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This week in the Entrepreneurs Newsletter

This week. There is a focus on how to start and establish a business. Whether you're new or you have a business that you're struggling to be more competitive in your market with.

How to establish a foundation that will leave you room to grow and a process that leaves room for trial and error.

These best practices and helpful tips can be applied to most if not all businesses. As they're core principles to follow for creating stability.

As I continue to gather feedback from readers to answer the questions that you have for your businesses. If you have questions or topics that you would like to have covered simply reply to this email.

For those that like to skim for relevant articles of interest. Here is a list of what you can expect to see.

  • What to Do When the .COM You Want Is Taken
  • The Ultimate List: 50 Online Local Business Directories
  • The Ultimate eCommerce Glossary: 50+ Terms & Definitions
  • How much does TikTok pay per view? Creator Fund explained!
  • What is Influencer marketing & why does it matter?
  • 9 Tips To Help Create More SEO-Friendly Content
  • 4 Local SEO Tips Even the Experts Miss

Featured in this week's "Questions Business Owners Are Asking".

How do you get started if you have no business background?

Majority Media

Questions Business Owner Are Asking

How do you get started if you have no business background?

How do you get started if you have no business background? It can be intimidating as a 1st generation entrepreneur. The pressure of sticking with the tradition of employment can be a lot. It is safe and the headache that you know.

Not to mention the people surrounding you that may make you doubt yourself. When it's something people haven't seen done by you or others. They have questioned it.

You don't have to have a business background to start a business. Trial and error is and will always be a concern but you can temper it by establishing a foundation. Solid footing that you can keep yourself from falling below once you get started.

The foundation of any Enterprise is filling a void. Problem, solution, results are the three pillars to build a business. Paired with a demand for the solution and results and you've got yourself an opportunity.

You don’t need a business background for those three pillars. It requires eyes, ears to make note of what’s in short supply in high demand & something you can deliver results with.

No matter how small the start. These principles never change. The only thing that truly changes is the process.

Which is open to interpretation & perspective. It’s what serves as the differentiator between one business & its competitors. The path you take to the results may vary from business to business.

A piece of advice that I shared with someone recently that was frustrated with their job and felt underpaid and appreciated. Don't let them rush you into making moves. Use your current income to help you lay the foundation needed for your success.

Work on identifying the problem, solution, and results that you can affect change with. Work on securing your first 100 customers. This is one of the toughest parts of establishing a business is securing those initial clients/customers.

100 is a benchmark. it's not an absolute. The goal is to create a revenue stream that will allow you to step away from the check that you're employer is paying you and into what you can pay yourself. Whatever the number of customers that may be to accomplish the goal.

Ideally with the 33/33/34 principle of profits. 33% goes to the business. 33% goes to taxes. 34% goes to your salary.

The 33/33/34 principle will help you set a foundation that can sustain a business. A floor that you can build on. Forecast business strategies and decisions. This will allow room for trial and error without breaking you or your business.

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